Monday, March 21, 2016

PNW Meeting: April 21, 2016

Hey, Y'all!

It's time for another Neighborhood Watch Meeting. Yes, another opportunity to meet and greet and get to know your neighbors.  Everything set aside, we all can agree that we want to protect each other, our families, and our greatest investments-our homes.

Please join us and meet Coastal Security's CEO and Officers.  We want to partner with them to help each other.

WHEN: Thursday, April 21, 2016

TIME: 6:30 PM

WHERE: Pool Pavilion

-Open Meeting
-Guest Speaker: Coastal Security's Noreen McMullin & Patrol Staff
-Neighborhood Divisions/Map
-Meet Block Captains
-Close Meeting

Please bring a Finger Food dish to share!  You can post on FB what you'd like to bring or email:

Please take a moment to REGISTER if you'd like to get involved with the Pinecrest Neighborhood Watch.

We're in need of more Block Captains.  Get involved!  Let's make this fun too!  Once we situate our Block Captains, let's plan SUMMER BLOCK PARTIES!

Looking forward to meeting y'all then!
Donna Cartwright

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Neighborhood Watch Details-March 3, 2016

Pinecrest, POA
DATE: March 3, 2016
FROM: Donna Cartwright, Pinecrest Homeowner
TO: Pinecrest, POA Homeowners
RE: Neighborhood Watch Details
We had a great turn out for the NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH meeting this week with Officer Mike Jennings. We will proceed with re-establishing a Neighborhood Watch Program. I'd like to plan to have monthly meetings with guest speakers. One thing Officer Mike mentioned is doing a class on HOME SECURITY. Since there were a lot of questions at the meeting, this sounded like the perfect follow up topic. If you would like to be a BLOCK CAPTAIN, please MESSAGE YOUR INFO & ADDRESS to . Officer Mike suggested a maximum of 10 homes to a Captain. See below for what being a Block Captain or Watcher entails.
If you'd like to just be part of the Neighborhood Watch program and get informed, please still message me your info.
Like Officer Mike said, we're mainly eyes and ears of our neighborhood. He said we can put away our pitchforks and torches. lol He has jokes!
Before the next meeting I'd like to get a map ready and point out Block Captains and hopefully get a telephone chain or email chain directory drafted up for each block captain.
TO BE ON THE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH EMAIL & PHONE LIST, YOU MUST EMAIL YOUR INFO TO: Please include your full name, address, email, and telephone & cell phone numbers. This information will be shared with your Block Captain and the Coordinator.