The Block Captain is the primary link in the group’s chain of command. There should be a defined limit to the number of homes (i.e., ten) assigned per Block Captain. The duties include a wide range of simple tasks. The Block Captain’s responsibilities may include:
- Meet each resident in your assigned area and offer to register them in the group.
- Holding regular meetings with the area members. The Block Captains explain the program both to those neighbors at the meeting and to those who did not attend the meeting, discussing the requirements of the program including the need for each resident to commit to reporting crime.
- Cooperates and helps the Coordinator.
- Maintain an emergency phone list of all your assigned residents. Maintains records of these participating residents.
- Be available to pass on information about criminal activities in your area. (Note: A Block Captain may be called late at night if one of their residents spots suspicious activities.)
- Lending out Operation Identification engravers.
- Forward information to the group’s Coordinator and activate the phone tree if you receive information on a suspect in your area. (The “phone tree” involves calling members and informing them if an active incident is going on in the area).
- The Block Captain also coordinates assistance programs if there are any special needs in their area and may set up social events for their members to become involved in.
- Distributes the Neighborhood Watch pamphlets and other crime prevention literature.